Four Decouplings for Chinese Cities’ Green Development

14:00-16:00, September 16 2022, CST; 2:00-4:00, September 16 2022, EDT

Dr. Dajian Zhu is Distinguished Professor of Tongji University, Director of Institute of Governance for Sustainability and Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of Tongji University.In 2016, he was awarded the World Leadership Award for Circular Economy at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He is also a member of the Social Science Committee of the Ministry of Education, a member of the Sustainable Development and Resources and Environment Expert Committee of the Ministry of Construction and he is also on the editorial board of *Environmental Policy and Governance* , *International Journal of Public Management* and *China's Population Resources and Environment*.


To realize green development, Chinese cities confront four critical structural problems, which are energy structure, land use structure, industrial structure and transportation structure. All these four structures need decouplings, decoupling energy consumption from carbon dioxide emission, decoupling urban development from over-consumption of construction land, decoupling production and consumption from increase of solid wastes and decoupling transportation from carization.